
The importance of making a will

Failing to leave behind a will when you die, leaving you intestate, can put a lot of stress and strain on people who
are not only grieving but possibly also face an uncertain financial future. Dealing with an estate is a tricky business
at the best of times. But legal proceedings for those who die intestate and to make a claim on an estate can be
costly and unpleasant for the family and other beneficiaries.
Dealing with these estates can take months or even years.


What happens if I don’t have a will?

Without a will your assets, such as your house, your bank accounts, savings and investments,
even your personal possessions such as jewellery, your car and anything else of value, could
be distributed under the intestacy rules rather than following your wishes.

What are the costs involved?

If you go through a solicitor to make your Will, they will often charge you in excess of £500.
We are professional Will Writers and follow the same procedure as solicitors but believe that
we should be affordable and fair for our clients.

The cost of a Single Will is £155 and a Couple’s Mirror Will is £195.
The cost of a Lasting Power of Attorney for Health & Welfare and Property & Affairs is £800 total.

For more information or to make a Will, please call us on 020 8552 5521 or e-mail us at pooja@moneywiseplc.co.uk