Inheritance Tax Planning

Don’t let the taxman take almost half of your estate

As house prices continue to rise, particularly in London and the South East, more and more families are
likely to be hit by inheritance tax. If you don’t want 40% (after allowances) of all your hard-earned assets
to go to the taxman, there are steps you can take to keep more of your estate in the family.

What is Inheritance Tax Planning?

Inheritance tax can cost loved ones tens of thousands of pounds, but with some careful planning you can
reduce it substantially without giving away control of your property and investments. In some cases, it’s
possible to remove your investments from your estate (and the clutches of the taxman) and still receive an
income from them. You can also take out insurance to cover inheritance tax – and the cost of the policy can
be deducted from your estate to reduce the tax bill your beneficiaries have to pay.

Why you should consider it

  • A buoyant housing market is pushing the value of people’s homes well beyond the inheritance tax (IHT) thresholds, currently £325,000 per individual.
  • Inheritance Tax Planning helps to keep your estate intact, avoiding the forced sale of assets such as family heirlooms in order to pay the tax bill.
  • Even a simple review of your family’s wealth can often identify straightforward ways of avoiding tax liabilities in the future.
  • IHT protection is an area where good advice can pay for itself many times over.
  • Your inheritance tax strategy should be reviewed regularly to take account of lifestyle changes such as marriage, divorce, retirement, redundancy or a death in the family.

How can we help?

Inheritance Tax Planning is a key part of our financial services. With a clear
idea of the value of your estate – and how that value is spread across property
and other assets such as savings and investments – we can help you develop an
effective inheritance tax strategy that’s tailored to you and your family.

Your strategy may include insurance to provide IHT protection – or investments and
trusts that shelter cash from being included in your estate for tax purposes. Whatever
approach you decide to take, we’ll search the entire financial market to find the best
possible solutions for you. And because our services are independent and fee based,
you can rest assured that all the recommendations we make will be unbiased and in
your best interests, not ours.
For more information, call Pooja on 020 8552 5521 or at