Buildings & Contents Insurance

If you have a mortgage, your lender will insist that your property (and their security) is protected by buildings insurance.
It usually pays out if your property is destroyed by fire, floods or subsidence (although you will need to check if you live
on a flood plain, for example). Damage to fixed fittings such as baths and kitchens are often included, as well as sheds,
greenhouses and garages.
You might be offered buildings insurance when you take out your mortgage, but you don't have to take what's on offer.
Use the key policy information to shop around and get the best deal for you.
If you purchase a leasehold property (such as a flat in a block of flats) the freeholder may have arranged buildings insurance
for the whole block, in which case you may not need your own buildings policy.

Contents Insurance covers the loss of or damage to the contents of your home. This includes
your furniture, electrical goods and other items within your home. Some policies cover
you for items you take outside, for example cameras, jewellery and briefcases.
Different policies offer different levels of cover but generally you'll be covered against
theft and fire, and have the option to insure against damage you may cause by accident.
It is always vital that you thoroughly read and understand the full policy terms and conditions.
If not already covered by your contents insurance, you may want to consider travel insurance
for loss or damage to your personal belongings whilst travelling.

For more information or a quote, please call us on 020 8552 5521 or e-mail us at